Monday, June 23, 2014


I have not had much luck looking for a place to volunteer. I had two leads which one fell through and the other... well the people do not seem very interested as I have had to continuously call or e-mail them just to keep track.
I am finding that just coming to the city and looking for somewhere to volunteer will not work out. The Nazareth House which was the first place I was looking into ideally wants volunteers to go through organizations- the kind that you have to pay to be placed. They also require a medical clearance, police clearance and references on top of their application. I have basically done all of this except the police clearance but it does not matter. They obviously are not interested.
The second place is only a few blocks away from our apartment and I thought this one would be more promising. I spoke to the manager of the facility last week and she told me that she would need a letter stating what it was that I wanted to do and what my qualifications from the US allow me to do. So I typed this all up and placed it in a nice folder and dropped it off on Wednesday last week. Today I walked over and spoke to her and she said she had been busy but meant to call and that yes it would be fine for me to volunteer and for me to come tomorrow. After I left I received an e-mail stating that they had spoken to the head supervisor who informed her that it was not allowed any more and she apologized for the inconvenience.

So basically I have one more place to look into- there is another hospital a few more blocks away from the apartment the opposite direction. So I will go over there probably tomorrow and drop off more papers and see if they can use a volunteer. More to come later.

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