Tuesday, June 3, 2014

London is expensive

For those of you wanting to go to London one day... it is expensive. The exchange rate was about 1 pound to $2. While we were walking about Mitch was hungry and wanted a hot dog. He paid 4 pounds.... for just a hot dog. It did not come with drinks or chips, so that one hot dog cost $8. 
When we went to dinner we only had 20 pounds left and thought, OK, so about $40, that should be enough. Um no. We ended up coming under but only bought a tiny ass salad, some nachos, 1 fanta and Mitch tried to go cheap with water but yeah no. He had to pay for that as well. Bill came to 16 pounds. 

And lastly... as we were walking around the airport we saw a electronics store. Now granted, I get that airports are usually slightly more costly.. but what I saw was ridiculous. We walk over to the iPads and look at the price and it is around roughly 399 pounds. I'm pretty sure they are like $379 US. And then we see the Galaxy S5 which I bought one week before we left. And well.. just see for yourself. The first is the US version and the second is London one. 

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