Saturday, June 21, 2014

Cape Point- June 15th

Last Sunday we took an impromptu trip to cape point which is at the tip of the Cape Peninsula. We took the scenic route driving along the coast and we took lots of pictures along the way, stopping at any scenic point we found. We had all thought that there were penguins down at the Cape but I guess we were incorrect. What we found instead were lots of signs along the way informing us to beware of baboons and that they are dangerous and attracted by food. As we are driving and seeing these signs, I start to feel a little disappointed that we are not seeing any of these infamous baboons and wondered if they really were out there. Then we get to the park and start driving up to cape point and as we start to see where we are to park we see them. Baboons everywhere!

I am soooo excited. Dangerous or not, this was really cool to see. Some people did not like their presence as I heard a girl scream when she turned around and there was one sitting right behind her. They were walking around the parking lot, some sitting on cars or buildings, and others just sitting on the side of the road I'm guessing waiting for someone to drop their food or set it down unsuspecting. I missed seeing this happen, but Mitch said he saw this girl walking with a drink and saw a baboon and she screamed and dropped her drink. The baboon immediately went after this sweet drink, licking it up from the ground, pouring more out to drink until one of the workers walked toward it and scared the baboon off. Then the girl did the unthinkable. She picked the drink back up, put her straw back in, and DRANK IT. Ewwwww! Mitch and I were laughing as we watched her, hardly believing she just did that.
After this spectacle we then walked all the way up to the top to the lighthouse which we could not go in but it was tiny. Not large enough for someone to live in and just took in the view. We were still disappointed that there were no penguins and asked someone people about it and they informed us that they were actually in Simons Town which was on the opposite coast that we drove up.

So once we were done in Cape Point we drove to see the penguins. Even though the park was closed, we still saw a lot of penguins along another path and a few of them somehow escaped the fences and were running around the parking lot.

I have to say, it was a very cool day.

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