Wednesday, July 2, 2014

What a crappy day

I am not having the best of days. First I go to the grocery store and try to figure out what to make as a side dish for dinner. Nothing looks good and there are no easy dishes like we have in the US where you just add water. I end up walking around the grocery store 2-3 times trying to figure out what I want. I finally come to the realization that I am ready to go home. Grocery shopping here is such a chore and is one of the reasons why we eat out so much. The selection just stinks. The grocery store is the size of one you'd find in a small town but even the small town stores have a better selection that this.

Then as I am ready to pay, I realize that I don't have as much money in my wallet as I thought I should. I realize after calculating in my head that sometime between Monday and today someone has stolen about the equivalent of $160 from my wallet. I had just taken money out of the bank on Monday as Mitch and I leave tomorrow for our trip. So I don't know if this happened at his work, or if it happened here in the hotel. I am very annoyed.

And to top it off, when I walk back into our room with my groceries I hear this weird sound. I go over to the closet and open one of the doors and there is hot water pouring in. I am trying to call the front desk and grab our clothes at the same time. Again the water is hot. Like scalding hot and I'm trying to quickly grab all of the hangers, socks, underwear, passports, Mitch's suits, our souvenirs, etc. So currently the housekeeper and maintenance are trying to figure out the source. They said it was our geyser, except water is coming in down another wall as well that makes it seem like that is not true. So we may be moving rooms tonight if they cannot figure this out.

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