Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Home is Home

We are back in the U.S. We arrived Sunday afternoon in Chicago and with customs, the train, and taxi, we didn't get home until 9pm. We met a guy on our flight from Cape Town to London who was returning from a one week trip for his London MBA program with about 60 students. We were discussing what we liked and did not like, what we missed, etc. I mentioned how some people ask why I like the US so much. I don't like that question. It is implying that I think the US is better than everywhere else which is not exactly true. But for being away for so long, you just start to miss things that you are used to. But then the guy said it best, "Home is Home." Nothing more needing to be said.

Anyways, here is a video that I was unable to post do to slow internet connections.