Saturday, May 31, 2014

London Thus Far

Yesterday we started day one of our trip. It started with being picked up at noon by United Cab (don't use them) and it was a little sketchy and here is why.
1) The driver wore no shoes
2) There was a girl riding with him.. unknown if it was his daughter, sister or what.
3) They had their seats reclined all the way back so much that we could barely get in.
4) In the back seat there were rims just laying on the floor.
5) He was texting/ calling people while driving.
6) He ran a red light and it wasn't even close.. he clearly should have stopped.
7) He almost hit a car in front of us.. unrelated to running the red light.

We arrive to the South Bend airport and hop on the South Shore to Chicago. This is the most cost saving way to get to Chicago. It is $11.75 to the train station where we walk a block and transfer to the metra line, which then takes us to the Chicago O'Hare airport. This takes us up until 4:30pm and so at this point we have already been traveling for 5 hours 30 minutes and we haven't even gotten on the plane yet. Mitch and I eat a quick meal at the airport and finally board the plane.

I got the middle middle seat. Yes, I put middle in there purposely because this is how we sat. K-for Kate, M-Mitch.


Not the best arrangement and hard to sleep.

We arrive to London Heathrow Airport just after 9am. We have to go through customs because 1)We wanted to go out and explore some and 2) Our connecting flight is British Airlines and so we don't have our boarding passes or seat assignments. So after customs we inquire where we can check in, and find out that we need to go to another terminal by train to do so. So long story short, by the time we get all this done, we are finally on the train to downtown London by 10:45am. We don't get into the city until Noon! This was taking forever.

We get off the train and once we get outside you hear Big Ben striking twelve. Very cool to hear. We walk around for a few hours, looking at the London Eye, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. Sometimes we stopped inbetween to take a lil snoozer on the lawns. We are so dang tired. We finally head back to the airport around 4pm, arrive at 5, eat a light dinner (because everything is so frickin expensive) and now Mitchell and I are waiting to board our next plane to Cape Town. We should be able to in about 30-40 minutes.

I will post pictures later- we have a limited internet connection.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Leaving soon for Cape Town

Mitchell and I leave for Cape Town, South Africa May 30th. But first we will have a 12 hour layover in London, England. We will actually do some sight seeing while there and try to take in as much as we can during this one day. Then we leave again that night (May 31st) for Cape Town and will arrive the morning of June 1st.
I hope to post information about what we are doing down there. Mitchell will be doing an internship through Notre Dame and I am hoping to do some volunteer work.